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Local Layer Widget and KML Files Not Loading Completely

11-29-2018 08:23 AM
Occasional Contributor III

I'm starting work on updating our web application to the latest iteration of Web Appbuilder and I'm noticing that the KML files are preventing our application from loading fully, or at the very least taking an exceedingly long time to load. I did not have these issues with earlier versions of the developer edition and local layer widget.

I'm using the developer edition v 2.10 as well as the local layer widget v 2.8. The specific errors I'm getting are:

From what I can tell, it looks like this might be related to the llw.js file not recognizing the KML type, but I'm not quite sure.

Any thoughts?

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1 Reply
MVP Emeritus


   KML layer are not a supported type in the Local Layer widget?..

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