Representation pipelines

08-22-2014 06:44 AM
New Contributor III

Hello everyone,

In ArcGIS I have a feature class (lines) where i have the pipelines in. I want to create a map from that but the problem is that when i zoom out a lot of the pipelines are not visible because they are too close too each other.  I know that with the use of the tool Representation you can solve this problem by making representations with different scales that connect to the original feature class. Do anyone know how this work? Im looking for this a long time but its really complicated i think. You need an advance license for this btw.

3 Replies
New Contributor II

Hi Maarten,

Is the ArcGIS Schematics can help?



New Contributor III

Hey Paul,

I tried that too but i had other problems when i used that. When i save the representation as a layer file it works but it doesnt work when i save it as a feature class. But i think it must me possible.

New Contributor

I don't know a simple answer to your problem, but I know a possible work around that I've used a few times. Add a duplicate pipe layer and set the scale to turn on when the other become too close together. Make this layer have a smaller display than the first. I know it is not an Ideal solution, but it might help.