[SOLVED-ish] How do you get IMosaicRaster (raster pixel data) from a IMosaicDataset?

09-21-2016 05:16 PM
New Contributor

I have the following code opening up the mosaic dataset which appears to work just fine. However, I have no idea how to access the rasters contained within the dataset. All I really care about doing is making a PixelBlock from the raster(s) so that I can read the pixel values. There are loads of example of how to create a mosaic dataset from individual rasters, but I cannot find a single one that talks about how to read rasters from a mosaic dataset.

IRasterDataset makes this somewhat simple using CreateDefaultRaster(), but I've found no such path to getting at the raster data within a mosaic dataset.

IMosaicWorkspaceExtensionHelperPtr mosaic_ext_helper(CLSID_MosaicWorkspaceExtensionHelper);
IMosaicWorkspaceExtensionPtr mosaic_ext;
mosaic_ext_helper->FindExtension(_workspace, &mosaic_ext);
IMosaicDatasetPtr mosaic_dataset;
mosaic_ext->OpenMosaicDataset(_bstr_t(ds_name.c_str()), &mosaic_dataset));

// Somehow(???) get the rasters (or their pixel data) from mosaic_dataset‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍


This is what I came up with as a solution. It may not be ideal, but it works to get at the pixels in the rasters.

IMosaicWorkspaceExtensionHelperPtr mosaic_ext_helper(CLSID_MosaicWorkspaceExtensionHelper);
IMosaicWorkspaceExtensionPtr mosaic_ext;
mosaic_ext_helper->FindExtension(_workspace, &mosaic_ext);

IMosaicDatasetPtr mosaic_dataset;
if (FAILED(mosaic_ext->OpenMosaicDataset(mosaic_dataset_name, &mosaic_dataset)))
    // Error here

IFeatureClassPtr feature_class;

IQueryFilterPtr query_filter(CLSID_QueryFilter);
IFeatureCursorPtr feature_cursor;

if (FAILED(feature_class->Search(query_filter, VARIANT_FALSE, &feature_cursor)))
    // Error here

IFeaturePtr feature;

while (feature_cursor->NextFeature(&feature) == S_OK)
    esriFeatureType type; // Returns esriFTRasterCatalogItem

    IRasterCatalogItemPtr catalog_item(feature);

    IRasterDatasetPtr raster_dataset;

    IRasterPtr raster;

    // Do something with the each Raster or RasterDataset
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