Using WebTiledLayer (nearmap) as BaseMap having an ISSUE

10-19-2016 02:00 PM
New Contributor


I was using TMS service and trying to integrate this using ESRI JS API.

Tested, map using just WebTiledLayer works zoom level up to whatever is available, however, if I turn this into basemap zoom level won't work after 19. (so 20, 21 are not working)

Anyone have any idea how to make this work?


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New Contributor

Hi Jack.

As a way of introduction - I am a product manager at Nearmap and I look after most things ArcGIS, amongst other things. The issue that you are seeing is to do with the ArcGIS JS SDK zoom level defaults. To unlock the extra zoom levels, you need to define additional LODs and use those in both the TileInfo and View.

You can find the sample code here - Nearmap ArcGIS JavaScript SDK Sample.html · GitHub .

Hope this helps.