Sync self-intersecting lines in ArcPad?

11-14-2016 11:50 AM
Occasional Contributor

I would like to expand ArcPad Custom Tracklog Toolbar applet to allow synchronization of the resulting trackline (polyline) features, but I am getting stuck because our tracklines are and will always continue to be self-intersecting. As a result, they can only be copied into shapefiles or file geodatabases; SDE geodatabases will not accept them. (The ArcSDE API enforces geometry integrity rules.) I can do some clunky work-arounds, like making field staff copy trackline shapefiles to and from a FTP site. Or syncing all tracklog points, but this can be 3500 points per person! A single-click, two-way sync of a few self-intersecting lines would be a whole lot better.

Is there any way to allow self-intersecting lines to sync?

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