Hello out there! I am currently hitting a wall in my research. What I am attempting to do is extract heavy metal spectral signatures from Landsat-8. Is there a way to extract these specific values in ArcPy or R or in ArcMap itself?

01-12-2017 08:43 AM
New Contributor

I feel like that if this issue was a snake it would have devoured me by now. But honestly, I don't know if there is a conditional statement needed or if there is a model to extract these specific frequencies or if am in over my head or if I am looking at the wrong programs to process this.

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Esri Regular Contributor


It's nearly impossible to give you a meaningful answer unless you give us a lot more information about exactly what you are seeking to do, and what you have tried so far.  

Reading heavily between the lines of what you asked, my preliminary answer is no, it's not possible.  That is assuming you're using the term "spectral signature" to mean a detailed spectrum such as in this graph: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zycoCXPneqI/UBf8Vz46NwI/AAAAAAAABU0/6z3mZZsPLRc/s400/ref+spectra+of+minera...  - recording a signature with this much resolution would require a spectrometer with hundreds of channels, and Landsat 8 only has 11 relatively broad bands as explained here: Landsat 8 Overview « Landsat Science  

On the other hand, those signatures are probably already known, so I'm not sure if this is what you were seeking.

If you really meant "can I extract spectral values in the Landsat 8 bands over a known site with exposed heavy metals?" then yes, of course, you can sample the pixel values at your site(s) using ArcGIS.  I would argue that the result isn't truly a 'signature' but if your intent is to use Landsat 8 to attempt to find those same discrete spectral values at other sites, then effectively the answer is yes.  You should be sure your Landsat scene is adjusted to yield surface reflectance values, and you'll want to learn about using the spectral classification tools in ArcGIS to find other target sites.

If you need more information, please try to be as detailed as possible (including which version of ArcGIS you are using) regarding your objectives.

Cody B.