Autofilling extra fields from the  results of a dependant list

02-03-2011 03:10 PM
New Contributor
Hi, I'm working on a vegetation form which allows the user to enter records of plant species, with multiple species (entries) per site. The data is stored in a dbf file. I allow the user to select plant names from combobox lists. Because the list is very large, I have a combobox for Genus, which when selected, calls a dependant list (via a Function) of species within that genus. Genus and species appear in separate fields on the form. There is also a unique code number (an integer) that represents each plant species (ie Genus and species form the full plant name). What I would like to do is to be able to get the unique code number to be show in another field on the form apon selection of the species in teh dependant list. My code, which is called from the OnSelChange event in the Genus combobox on my form is:

Function UpdateCombo2(cmb1value)
'This function is for a dependant list for species, once genus has been selected

   Dim combo2, instPath, DispName
   'on Error Resume Next

   instPath="P:\Work\SSD\Users\Huxtac\ArcPad Stuff\Veg_16\"
  Set combo2 = layer.Forms("FrmNewSpecies").Pages("PgNewSpp2").Controls("CboSpecies")
  combo2.AddItemsFromTable instPath & "Species_Dependant.DBF", "SP_TEXT", "SP_VALUE", "[GEN_VALUE] =""" & cmb1value & """"
   If err.Number <> 0 Then
  'Msgbox "You forgot to edit the DependComboApplet.vbs file and change the value of instPath!!!"
   end  if
End Function

I'm assuming that I need another field in the source file for the dependant list (which is called "Species_Dependant.DBF") which contains the unique codes for the Genus/Species name, which can somehow be used to populate a code field in my form.
Can anyone help with this?
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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
Hi Charles,

Here is one way of doing it if you are still looking for a response.

Sub GetGenusValue

Dim objForm, objPage, genusValue, genusText
Set objForm = Application.Applets("fillForm").Forms("FORM1")
Set objPage = objForm.Pages("PAGE1")
genusValue = objPage.Controls("cboGenus").Value
genusText = objPage.Controls("cboGenus").Text
'MsgBox genusValue & " " & genusText

Call GetSpeciesValue(genusValue,objPage)

End Sub

Sub GetSpeciesValue(genusValue,objPage)


Dim objRS
Set objRS = Application.CreateAppObject("RecordSet")
objRS.Open("AppletsPath") & "\Species.dbf")

Call objPage.Controls("cboSpecies").AddItemsFromTable("AppletsPath") & "\Species.dbf", "Species", "Species", ("[GID]= " & genusValue))


End Sub

I hope this helps.


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New Contributor II

I am new to ArcPAD Studio and have a similar issue.  Is it possible you can connect  me to discuss.  I need to auto fill some fields

Option Explicit


'Dependent Lists" are lists that display different sets of choices
'depending on the value chosen in another list.

'This VBS file needs to be in the same directory as the layer file

Sub LoadDependentList (strTargetComboName, strTableName)

'Procedure:  LoadDependentList
'Purpose: Puts a filtered set of list values into a combobox
'     based on the value of another combobox.
'Arguments: strTargetComboName - the name of the combobox to receive the new list
'     strTableName - the full name of the table containing the "Master" list of values
'     if its in same directory as edit layer then the path can be omitted
'     (assumes the table has 3 fields: field1 - the field to filter on;
'     field2 - the combobox value; field3 - the combobox text)


Dim rs      'recordset to open the table containing values to go into target combobox
Dim strFilter   'the value of the ComboBox that has triggered the OnSelChange event
Dim strFieldName  'the name of the field to filter on
Dim strSearch
Dim lngFound
Dim lngBM
Dim cboFilter
Dim pge
Dim strValueField
Dim strTextField

If "" & strTableName = "" Then
 Exit Sub
End If

Set cboFilter=thisevent.object
Set pge=cboFilter.parent
'msgbox strFilter
Set rs=Application.CreateAppObject("recordset")

If instr(strTableName, "\")=0 Then
'if the table name does not contain a backslash character then
'it does not contain the path to the table, so we assume its in the
'same directory as the layer being edited - call the LayerPath function
'to get the directory the table is located in
 strTableName = LayerPath & strTableName
End If
On Error Resume Next
If err.number<>0 Then
 msgbox "Cannot open Table " & strTableName
 Set rs=Nothing
 Set cboFilter=Nothing
 Set pge=Nothing
 Exit Sub
End If
'msgbox strFieldName
'msgbox LayerPath
strSearch="[" & strFieldName & "]=""" & strFilter & """"
strValueField = rs.fields(2).name
strTextField = rs.fields(3).name
pge.controls(strTargetComboName).additem "",""

'record find loop not needed - see AddItemsFromTable method below, with optional filter argument
'correction, loop is needed, I'm sick of trying to get the AddItemsFromTable method to work with a filter argument
While lngfound>0
  pge.controls(strTargetComboName).additem rs.fields(2),rs.fields(3)
'cant get this to work
'pge.controls(strTargetComboName).AddItemsFromTable strTableName, strValueField, strTextField, strSearch

Set rs=Nothing
Set pge=Nothing
Set cboFilter=Nothing
End Sub

Function LayerPath
'returns the path of the edit layer
Dim lyr
Dim strPath

Set  '1 is the editable points layer
strPath = lyr.FilePath
End Function

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