Red "X" displays near input for a number of Spatial Statistics tools

12-12-2011 10:23 AM
New Contributor
Many of the Spatial Statistics tools will not function on my computer. A red X keeps showing up next to the Input Feature Class field. I downloaded some sample data and get the same error following tutorial instructions. How can I fix this?

I am running ArcGIS Desktop 9.3.1 and I have an ArcInfo license.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
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5 Replies
Occasional Contributor
Hmmm... not sure what could be causing this.  When you hover with your cursor over the Red X, what error does it report?

Please determine if script tools outside of the Spatial Statistics toolbox have the same issues (the Multi-Ring Buffer tool, for example).  If all script tools are having problems, my guess is that you have a software installation problem.  If, by chance, you have access to another computer with the same software, please try to determine if the problem is machine specific.  If you only see the problem on one specific computer, this is more evidence that the problem relates to a software installation issue (and the solution would be to reinstall the software ... but Esri Tech Support might have other suggestions).  If you are seeing the problem across more than one computer, the problems might be data specific... ? 

1) Try those tools with different input data to see if the problem is consistent.  If you continue to get the problem with different data sets, we're back to thinking it's a software installation problem.
2) If the tools work with other data sets, however, the problem could be a data corruption issue.  Try right clicking on the feature class in the Table of Contents and selecting Export.  Export the data to a shapefile.  See if the spatial statistics tools work with the new shapefile.

So very sorry you're having problem. 

Geoprocessing, Spatial Statistics
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New Contributor
I have also met exactly the same problem. The red X do not give any error code  or anything when you hover over it. it actually has that mark anytime it is opened before you select the input.

What might be the cause or reason? Do I need to reinstall my program or there is a way to go round it, please help.

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New Contributor III


   There are many different possible causes for this particular issue that you are having, and if you have access to Technical Support, I would encourage you to log a call. 
    I recently had the same issue where my Spatial Statistics Tools received the red �??X�?� and I was not able to use them. I was able to resolve this issue by running a repair of ArcMap.  To run a repair Navigate to Add/ Remove Programs.  Select ArcMap and then when prompted select Repair.  This process may take a bit, but it resolved a similar issue for me.

Additionally, you may want to try renaming your ESRI Template. This is located here: C:/Users/YourUsername/AppData/Roaming/ESRI.  Then you can  rename ESRI to ESRI_Old. 


Juliana W.
ESRI Desktop Support

New Contributor II

Another instance of this issue was recently observed with ArcMap 10.4 on Windows 10. Running a repair on the install resolved the issue in this instance. Noticed that the behavior only existed on Script tools, and extended beyond the Spatial Statistics tool set.

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We were having the same problem in our GIS lab with most of the computers.  They all came from the same image but some of them didn't work.  Windows 10 with arcgis 10.4.  There was a red x next to the input box even in a blank document without any data.  Trying to run the tool gave a blank error box with no description as to what was causing the error.  DOING THE REPAIR FIXED IT.  Thank you @Martin Leavitt