010067 : Error in executing grid expression.

03-16-2012 11:36 AM
New Contributor
010067 : Error in executing grid expression.
ArcGIS 10
There was a problem executing the map algebra expression.
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5 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
Could you please provide a little more information on the tool (If using Raster Calculator, please provide the expression) that you are using, input data, output data, and output workspace?  Thanks!
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New Contributor
I have run a model in ModelBuilder several times and received this same error each time. It is the message associated with the map algebra.

The process hangs and does not complete; provides this message.

Here is the code:

# Script arguments...
compositionRaster = sys.argv[1]
roadsFeatureClass = sys.argv[2]
roadThreatMultiplier = sys.argv[3]
streamsFeatureClass = sys.argv[4]
streamBenefitFactor = sys.argv[5]
protectedAreasFeatureClass = sys.argv[6]
studyAreaRasterMask = sys.argv[7]
smallestProtectedArea = sys.argv[8]
maxProtectedAreaSeparation = sys.argv[9]
#protectedAreaPairsTable = sys.argv[10]
protectedAreaPairsOutputFeatureClass = sys.argv[10]
deleteTemps = sys.argv[11]

# Generate Cost Surface from Composition, Road Threat, and Stream Benefit
gp.addmessage("Started Generating Cost Surface at: " + time.ctime())
# Invert Composition
costTempRaster1 = "%scratchWorkspace%\\costrst1"
gp.SingleOutputMapAlgebra_sa("1 - " + compositionRaster, costTempRaster1)
# Convert Roads Threat to Raster
roadsThreatTempRaster1 = "%scratchWorkspace%\\rdtht1"
gp.FeatureToRaster_conversion(roadsFeatureClass, "ROADS_THT", roadsThreatTempRaster1)
roadsThreatTempRaster2 = "%scratchWorkspace%\\rdtht2"
gp.toolbox = toolboxPath
gp.SetNoDataTo0(roadsThreatTempRaster1, roadsThreatTempRaster2)
# Convert Streams to Raster, inverting benefit to get cost
gp.AddField_management(streamsFeatureClass, "Cost", "FLOAT")
streamCost = 1 / float(streamBenefitFactor)
gp.CalculateField_management(streamsFeatureClass, "Cost", str(streamCost), "VB", "")
streamsTempRaster1 = "%scratchWorkspace%\\strms1"
gp.FeatureToRaster_conversion(streamsFeatureClass, "Cost", streamsTempRaster1)
streamsTempRaster2 = "%scratchWorkspace%\\strms2"
gp.toolbox = toolboxPath
gp.SetNoDataToValue(streamsTempRaster1, streamsTempRaster2, "1")
# Add Roads and Streams to Cost Surface, assigning Roads a very high cost
costTempRaster2 = "%scratchWorkspace%\\costrst2"
gp.SingleOutputMapAlgebra_sa(streamsTempRaster2 + " * (" + costTempRaster1 + " + (" + roadThreatMultiplier + " * " + roadsThreatTempRaster2 + "))", costTempRaster2)
gp.addmessage("Finished Generating Cost Surface at: " + time.ctime())
if deleteTemps == "true":

# Exclude small Protected Areas
gp.addmessage("Started Excluding Protected Areas at: " + time.ctime())
largeProtectedAreasTempFeatureClass = "%scratchWorkspace%\\Scratch.gdb\\lgpas"
gp.Select_analysis(protectedAreasFeatureClass, largeProtectedAreasTempFeatureClass, "Shape_Area > " + smallestProtectedArea)
gp.addmessage("Finished Excluding Protected Areas at: " + time.ctime())

# Convert Protected Areas to Raster
gp.addmessage("Started Converting Protected Areas at: " + time.ctime())
protectedAreasTempRaster = "%scratchWorkspace%\\parst"
#gp.FeatureToRaster_conversion(largeProtectedAreasTempFeatureClass, "ObjectID_1", protectedAreasTempRaster)
gp.FeatureToRaster_conversion(largeProtectedAreasTempFeatureClass, "ObjectID", protectedAreasTempRaster)
gp.addmessage("Finished Converting Protected Areas at: " + time.ctime())

# Process each Protected Area
gp.addmessage("Started Processing Protected Areas at: " + time.ctime())
protectedAreas = gp.SearchCursor(protectedAreasTempRaster)
for protectedArea in protectedAreas:
    # Generate separate raster
    paID = str(protectedArea.Value)
    protectedAreaTempRaster = "%scratchWorkspace%\\parst" + paID
    gp.ExtractByAttributes_sa(protectedAreasTempRaster, '"VALUE" = ' + paID, protectedAreaTempRaster)
    # Calc Cost Distance with Backlinks
    costDistanceTempRaster = "%scratchWorkspace%\\cdrst" + paID
    backlinkTempRaster = "%scratchWorkspace%\\blrst" + paID
    gp.CostDistance_sa(protectedAreaTempRaster, costTempRaster2, costDistanceTempRaster, "", backlinkTempRaster)
if deleteTemps == "true":
gp.addmessage("Finished Processing Protected Areas at: " + time.ctime())

# Determine the Distance between each pair of Protected Areas, limiting pairs to those at least as close as the maxProtectedAreaSeparation
gp.addmessage("Started Processing Protected Area Pair Distance at: " + time.ctime())
#gp.GenerateNearTable_analysis(largeProtectedAreasTempFeatureClass, largeProtectedAreasTempFeatureClass, protectedAreaPairsTable, maxProtectedAreaSeparation, "LOCATION", "ANGLE", "ALL", 0)
gp.SpatialJoin_analysis(largeProtectedAreasTempFeatureClass, largeProtectedAreasTempFeatureClass, protectedAreaPairsOutputFeatureClass, "JOIN_ONE_TO_MANY", "KEEP_COMMON", "", "INTERSECT", maxProtectedAreaSeparation)
gp.addmessage("Finished Processing Protected Area Pair Distance at: " + time.ctime())
if deleteTemps == "true":

# Process each pair of Protected Areas, deleting self pairs, duplicates, and those that have no corridor
gp.addmessage("Started Processing Pairs of Protected Areas at: " + time.ctime())
corrZonalStatsTempTable = "%scratchWorkspace%\\Scratch.gdb\\corzonsttbl"
#protectedAreaPairs = gp.UpdateCursor(protectedAreaPairsTable)
protectedAreaPairs = gp.UpdateCursor(protectedAreaPairsOutputFeatureClass)
for protectedAreaPair in protectedAreaPairs:
    # Can't make a corridor to yourself; only need to process corridors in one direction
    #if protectedAreaPair.IN_FID < protectedAreaPair.NEAR_FID:
    if protectedAreaPair.TARGET_FID < protectedAreaPair.JOIN_FID:
        #paIDA = str(protectedAreaPair.IN_FID)
        paIDA = str(protectedAreaPair.TARGET_FID)
        costDistanceTempRasterA = "%scratchWorkspace%\\cdrst" + paIDA
        #paIDB = str(protectedAreaPair.NEAR_FID)
        paIDB = str(protectedAreaPair.JOIN_FID)
        costDistanceTempRasterB = "%scratchWorkspace%\\cdrst" + paIDB
        # Calc Corridor
        corridorTempRaster = "%scratchWorkspace%\\" + "cor" + paIDA + "-" + paIDB
        gp.Corridor_sa(costDistanceTempRasterA, costDistanceTempRasterB, corridorTempRaster)
        # Determine if there are any non-NoData cells in the corridor; this method is not particularly intuitive, but it performs well
        gp.ZonalStatisticsAsTable_sa(studyAreaRasterMask, "Value", corridorTempRaster, corrZonalStatsTempTable, "DATA")
        # zonalStatsTempTable will contain 0 rows if there are only NoData cells (no corridor) and 1 row if there any non-NoData cells (is a corridor)
        rowCount = 0
        corrZonalStatsRows = gp.SearchCursor(corrZonalStatsTempTable)
        for corrZonalStatsRow in corrZonalStatsRows:
            rowCount = 1
        if rowCount == 0:
            if deleteTemps == "true":
        if deleteTemps == "true":
gp.addmessage("Finished Processing Pairs of Protected Areas at: " + time.ctime())
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New Contributor
This may be related to not correctly creating the feature class in ModelBuilder before using the data in the subsequent model.
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Esri Notable Contributor
It way be that you are using the Single Output Map Algebra tool which is from 9.x in ArcGIS 10.0.

gp.SingleOutputMapAlgebra_sa("1 - " + compositionRaster, costTempRaster1)


costTempRaster1 = arcpy.sa.Minus(1, compositionRaster)
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New Contributor
Thank you - we were able to run it for some data from Africa but the new input files may not be to spec for some unknown reason. We will attempt to fix, then look at this if the code is still not operating as anticipated.
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