InfoWindow - Custom and how can i anchor it to a point while i panning in map

03-29-2012 02:00 AM
New Contributor II

in the samples InfoWindow Custom the InfoWindow is hidden while i panning in the map.
How can i set it still visible at the point geometry?

I tryed around to disable the code in InfoWindow.js:
//this._eventConnections.push(dojo.connect(map, "onPanStart", this, this.hide));

and set it to:
this._eventConnections.push(dojo.connect(map, "onPanStart", this,;

the InfoWindow is shown, but it lost the anchor to its location pt. In the second try, i set the position back when i start panning.

dojo.connect(map, "onPan", function () {, map.getInfoWindowAnchor(pt));

the code works, but it is not the optimal solution because, the infoWindow is not bind to the background and must jump back every time.
Is there a way to make the behavior of the custom InfoWindow like the other InfoWindow samples?

Any help on this will be appreciated!!
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1 Reply
New Contributor III

HiDöring Sebastian:

I'm researching the similar issue: create more than one Infowindow to show on map. 

Here is some guy's code: codes

Create your own InfoWindow.js file is necessary I think. The path of the file  is :\xxxServer\arcgis_js_api\library\3.14\3.14\esri\dijit.

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