Raster Catalog Items Not Showing

06-27-2010 07:41 AM
Occasional Contributor III
My end goal is to use a TimeSlider and cycle through a number of rasters in a catalog (raster of same area that changes over time)... but after much tinkering with the time aware settings, I realized my rasters in the catalog won???t show at all (using time or not).  I have since removed the time settings from both the map and the Silverlight app and can't get the rasters to show.  It DOES show up in the JavaScript API.

Things I have tried:
- Removed all time settings
- Filtered out to one single raster
- Changed symbology (was classified, now stretched)
- Removed all other layers from the map
- Published both MXD and MSD (I think one time, early on I got it to display the first raster from an MXD in the time series)
- Create v10 Mosaic from the catalog, but I don't have the Image Server Extension for the 10 Pre-Release... plus I it looks like I would have to reformat all the dates to do a time aware if published as an Image Service (would prefer to just keep them in the catalog for now)

Also, the raster catalog is in a File Geodatabase which the layer points to via a UNC path.

Any help and ideas would be great!  Thanks a lot!

*EDIT* It seems that any service with a raster (even pointing to a file based sid) doesn't work... it actually seems to prevent the rest of the feature layers from drawing too.  Is it running out of some temp cache space or something???
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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
No ideas on this one? 😞

Can someone answer for sure that I "should be able to see rasters in a raster catalog" in Silverlight?
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Esri Notable Contributor
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Occasional Contributor III
Yeah, I have... and that is EXACTLY what I want to do!  But I cannot get the rasters to show up in Silverlight (Time aware or not).  I am not using image server though, just a MSD with a raster catalog in it... maybe I need to use it
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Occasional Contributor III
So I have found, publish a MSD, nothing shows up, publish a MXD and the raster do show... but something is still wrong with the time-aware.  It seems to be a problem with the REST API and not Silverlight though...

I did some debugging with Fiddler and see that an empty image is being sent from the REST endpoint.  I have approx 20 images in the Raster Catalog, and only 2 of them show as I move through the Silverlight time slider (all show fine in Desktop).  So I went to the REST endpoint and was plugging in some Epoch times in the export function and it is only returning those same few rasters... can't figure out why though, the times I am plugging in clearly should return an image.  Some sort of caching issue? Bug?
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