ArcGIS Dashboard- Arcade FeatureSet Expression Record Limit?

07-22-2021 12:28 PM
MVP Regular Contributor

Hello ArcGIS Dashboard Team, 

We've recently run into an issue in our ArcGIS Dashboard where our Arcade FeatureSet expression only returns 2,000 records (therefore missing a large chunk of our data). We have been unable to find documentation stating that there are record limits for arcade expressions.

Can somebody provide us more insight into this issue we're seeing?




Amanda Huber


6 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

The standard limit on the number of records returned on a layer in AGOL from a query is 2000. You'll have to increase that limit to get all your records, but depending on how large your dataset is, this could be a significant performance hit.

MVP Regular Contributor

Hi @KenBuja , 

Thanks so much for the quick reply and documentation.

For better understanding, how would one increase the number of records returned in Arcade not the physical service (no physical REST)? We're not seeing issues with the service's max records, only the arcade expression. 


MVP Esteemed Contributor

I'm assuming that the Arcade expression needs to make a query to the service to get the records.

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MVP Regular Contributor

Hi @KenBuja

Yes the arcade expression is querying the service, but the service is in our Enterprise Portal (not AGOL hosted- no threshold issues).

Occasional Contributor

I am experiencing the same issue, and it doesn't seem to be with the source data.  I am trying to create a dashboard to show tree assets, and want a widget to show ones with duplicate IDs (need to be corrected).  I can create a variable from FeatureSetByPortalItem that returns the correct number of records (~30K), and this is reflected in my indicator widget. If I apply GroupBy to the records returned by FeatureSetByPortalItem so I can get a count by ID, it's now limited to 2000 records. 

New Contributor III

Same issue here. Quite frustrating.

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