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Know to download orthoimagery

04-26-2015 11:53 AM
New Contributor III

​I am wondering if anyone could help me with this. I'm trying to download orthoimagery for Albany county from nys clearing house and when I do it does not show up when I try to add data. Thank you in advance

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4 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Have you unzipped it?

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New Contributor III

I have and there is data in the folder but when I click add data nothing shows up.

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Frequent Contributor

When you look at the folder in Explorer, what files are shown? A screenshot might be helpful.

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Frequent Contributor

Also, did you follow these instruction:

  • The MrSid Image Support Extension must be loaded from the extensions menu first.
  • When adding the orthoimagery as a theme, the "Data Source Type" should be Image Data Source, not Feature Data Source.
  • View the orthoimagery by selecting and opening *.sid  or *.jp2 file.
  • Vector data layers can be added by opening associated files, vector data layers can be re-projected if they are not in the same projection as the orthoimagery (raster) files. Make sure the "Data Source Type" is Feature Data Source when adding the vector files.