Hi there! I'm wondering if it's possible to create a web app for a client and how/whether end user authentication can be enabled, legends can be manipulated (suppress certain layers) add/remove north arrows, legends, tool buttons, branding logos/text and

07-01-2016 07:44 AM
New Contributor

Sorry if this question has already been asked but I have been looking around and can't seem to find a straight forward answer. I'm wondering if it's possible to create a web app for a client and how/whether end user authentication can be enabled, legends can be manipulated (suppress certain layers), can they add/remove north arrows, legends, tool buttons, branding logos/text and how is my company charged for that map's use??

What I have found so far is that yes end user authentication can be enabled if you register your app on the developer's website, which generates tokens for the client on my company's behalf, which we are charged for. What I'm having trouble finding out though is whether a client could change the logo of the map, add and remove tools and legend..

I think the obvious answer would be for them to just create the web app themselves after we create the correctly formatted data for them. But say this end user knows nothing about web mapping and doesn't want to take the time to figure it out themselves? I want to just make a simple map for this person that they can have full control over, without having to have an arc gis online account as well. Can this be done on the Esri platform???Thanks so much for any help!

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