How can I draw custom shapes on Graphics layer?

10-04-2011 01:37 AM
Occasional Contributor II
Hi everyone,

any clue, guidance or help would be appreciated, please bear with me as I am still struggling with Flex 4.

1. What is the simplest way to draw custom shapes using < s : path> on graphic layer. I had data for the already created.

2. How can I pass my own styles in SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 22, 0x009933) in place of STYLE_CIRCLE? I want to create my own styles so that I can explicitly use them there like STYLE_RECT. Can I pass my path data in any symbol like fillsymbol, linesymbol or markersymbol so that they draw the shape?

3. How can I extend these symbol classes so that I can use member functions and properties of these symbols + my MXML code?

I am using SFV 2.4. Thanks
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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus
Omega Cancer,

   You need to look into the DrawTool unless you want to do all the work yourself...
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Occasional Contributor II
Omega Cancer,

   You need to look into the DrawTool unless you want to do all the work yourself...

Custom shapes mean I want to create more complex shapes like wavy lines and curves. BTW Thanks, I figured out. Geometry was the guy I was ignoring. Here is simplified version of my question
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