TOC Control - expand at startup

05-05-2010 11:06 AM
New Contributor II
I want the TOC control to be expanded on startup of my app based on the Sample Flex Viewer.  I've tried calling expandChildrenOf() and expandItem() methods for the control in the config function of the MapManager, but its had no effect.  Any ideas? 


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25 Replies
New Contributor III
Add the following in red to this code string in the config.xml within the widgets block.

<widget label="Live Maps" preload="maximized" icon="com/esri/solutions/flexviewer/assets/images/icons/i_layers48.png" menu="menuMap" config="com/esri/solutions/flexviewer/widgets/LiveMapsWidget.xml">com/esri/solutions/esa/widgets/LiveMapsWidget.swf</widget>
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New Contributor II
Thanks for the response. I'm not using the LiveMapsWidget though. I've placed the TOC component in the MapManager.

Add the following in red to this code string in the config.xml within the widgets block. 

<widget label="Live Maps"   preload="maximized" icon="com/esri/solutions/flexviewer/assets/images/icons/i_layers48.png" menu="menuMap" config="com/esri/solutions/flexviewer/widgets/LiveMapsWidget.xml">com/esri/solutions/esa/widgets/LiveMapsWidget.swf</widget>
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MVP Emeritus

   Is it possible that you are trying to call the expand method before the tree is populated? That would be the first thing I would check.
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New Contributor II
I'm calling it at the very end of the config function, like this.  The layers are getting added to the map prior this in the same function.

private function config(event:AppEvent):void


     // Populate TOC control w/ live layers = map;
     mapTOC.excludeLayers = getBasemaps();
     mapTOC.excludeGraphicsLayers = true;
     mapTOC.expandChildrenOf(mapTOC.firstVisibleItem, true);

Also, I read this in the Flex Language Reference that might be part of the issue:

If you set dataProvider and then immediately call expandChildrenOf() you may not see the correct behavior. You should either wait for the component to validate or call the validateNow() method.

Thank you for the responses!

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MVP Emeritus

   So have you tried the validatenow? Maybe validatenow in combination with CallLater.
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New Contributor II
I tried different combinations of ValidateNow() and CallLater() with no results.  You were right though, I was calling it in the wrong place.  I call mapTOC.ExpandChildrenOf(....) in the mapLoadComplete function and success!  So I end up with something like this:

private function config(event:AppEvent):void
   map.addEventListener(MapEvent.Load, mapLoadComplete);
   // Populate TOC control w/ live layers = map;
   mapTOC.excludeLayers = getBasemaps();
   mapTOC.excludeGraphicsLayers = true;

//map load complete
private function mapLoadComplete(event:MapEvent):void
   SiteContainer.dispatchEvent(new AppEvent(AppEvent.LAYER_LOADED, false, false, null));
   mapTOC.expandChildrenOf(mapTOC.firstVisibleItem, true);
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New Contributor II
I called mapTOC.ExpandChildrenOf(....) in the mapLoadComplete function and success! ... or so I thought.  It worked for a little while, until I exported to release build and the TOC no longer expanded.  I must have been getting lucky with timing of the map finishing loading the TOC being populated when I was running it from Flex Builder.  Weird.

I have tried ValidateNow() in the config function and it seems to really screw up the load process.  My services don't appear, unless I manually zoom and my disclaimer window is off centered.
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MVP Emeritus

  Are you calling the validate now on the toc control?

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New Contributor II
Yes, that is how I called ValidateNow.  I'm trying to think of where the best place to call mapTOC.expandChildrenOf() or perhaps a listener of some sort is needed.
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