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Feature service with Editor tracking Apply edits bug?

10-04-2013 08:20 AM
Occasional Contributor
Hi everybody,
during development of our app, I came across a serious problem:

I have Feature Service with data, that have Editor tracking enabled and when creating the feature on client and saving edits, the feature is correctly written into a geodatabase. However when I edit existing feature, I experience the strange behavior. After saving and updating of the Feature Layer, not all attributes are changed. The observed pattern is that every second attribute value is saved. I found this behavior be the same in our app and also in ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight.

After listening to the applyEdits requests it is obvious, that the error is on client, since adds parameter contains all attributes whilst updates parameter leaves every second parameter:

ADDS parameter:
[{"geometry":{ ... }, "attributes":

UPDATES parameter:

An there is result of add and update as seen in Viewer FeatureDataGrid:

I suppose that this is Silverlight API bug, since when I tried editing of that very Feature Service in Viewer for Flex, everything worked fine! When I switch off Editor Tracking, the saving of updates works fine. A different settings of ownership-based editing feature of service also causes no difference.

I wanted to try Silverlight API sample for Editor tracking to compare the behavior, but the credentials are not provided.

Our server version is 10.2
API version we use is 3.1
I tested on secured and also on non-secured services with same result.

Have anyone experienced this behavior? And if confirmed as a bug is there going to be a quick fix?
Many thanks.

Best regards,
6 Replies
Occasional Contributor
I've found a solution to the problem and would by glad to share it. But first I would like to hear some feedback from anyone from Esri, if this behaviour is bug and when it will be fixed.
Kind regards
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New Contributor
Hello.How about this problem rightnow?
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by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor
Hi Filip,

I think this is the bug related with the Editor tracking. Check this Bug report page on esri support page:
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor
Hi Nathan,
Thank you for the link. I searched for a bug, but I was not able to find any. Do not you know what 'Resolved' mean? It is that they found a soulution by "Disable Editor Tracking."? Or that this BUG has been repaired in recent release? The last release of API was however on 01/25/2013, so I think that it is not included...
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by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor
Hi Filip,

The alternative solution for this issue is to disable Editor Tracking.

Thank you.
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor
Hi Nathan,
thank you, but I would not call it solution, since disabling Editor Tracking removes the desired functionality.
I really hope that patch is coming soon, since this is a kind of critical error.

Hi Filip,

The alternative solution for this issue is to disable Editor Tracking.

Thank you.
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