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Simple Tabbed Ribbon Template - Full Screen Action

07-29-2011 11:12 AM
New Contributor III
I've downloaded ALL of the templates and decided to use the "Standard" Applictation Template as the starting point for my ArcGIS Silverlight Application.

I've decided I would like to add the ESRI.ArcGIS.SilverlightMapApp.Actions.ToggleFullScreenAction feature that I found in the "Simple Tabbed Ribbon" template. My current app already includes a reference to the "xmlns:actions="clr-namespace:ESRI.ArcGIS.SilverlightMapApp.Actions" at the beginning of my XAML document. I've also include all the same ESIR.ArcGIS.... References from the "Simple Tabbed Ribbon" template into my application.

But, in my application I get an error that states the Type <actions:ToggleFullScreenAction /> was not found  EventTrigger to work. I get an error message that I am missing a reference, although I have them all set.

I have the following code snippet for the Full Screen feature.

<Button x:Name="btnToggleFullScreen" Style="{StaticResource ToolbarButton}"
  ToolTipService.ToolTip="Toggle Visibility of Full-Screen Mode (Pending)">
    <Image Source="Images/i_fullscreen.png" Stretch="Fill" />
    <i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
      <actions:ToggleFullScreenAction />

I do notice the the <actions:> in my application only includes SetLayerURLAction, ToggleCollapsedAction and ToggleVisibilityAction items while in the "Simple Tabbed Ribbon" template I get the same options plus the ToggleFullScreenAction.

My Silverlight and ESRI Development software is up to date as of this week. What must I do to get the ToggleFullScreenAction to work on my system?

I would really appreciate anyones help on this because it would be a nice feature to include with my ArcGIS Silverlight Application.

Thanks in advance for your help.
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2 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor
The 'ToggleFullScreenAction' is not part of the ArcGIS Silverlight API but is provided in some templates.

You can get the code in the directory 'Actions' and copy it in your project.
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New Contributor III
OK, I see now what you mean. I copied the ACTION ToggleFullScreenAction.cs class into my app and now it works great.

In addtion to getting my app to work with this feature this information will also prove helpful going forward with implementing other features from other TEMPLATES.

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