Visual Studio 2010 - Update Assemblies  - Silverlight API 2.2

06-28-2011 10:42 AM
New Contributor III
It looks like the assemblies are fine, but not sure if I need to do something specific after updating the API.

Warning 7 'ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.ScaleBarUnit' is obsolete: '"Use ScaleLineUnit in ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit namespace."' C:\COV\GIS\GISPRD10.0.1.05\Standard\UserControls\ScaleBar.xaml.cs 90 28 Standard

When I change to ScaleLineUnit I get
Error 7 The name 'ScaleLineUnit' does not exist in the current context ...\UserControls\ScaleBar.xaml.cs 90 28 Standard
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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Have you tried this sample?

Kindly verify that you can run this sample and the project references assemblies point to the location where your 2.2 files reside.
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Frequent Contributor
How to use the ScaleLineUnit to replace the ScaleBarUnit?  Thanks.
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New Contributor II
I'm using VS2010 , Esri Silverlight API 2.4, but shows in properties as run time version 2.0, I'm a little confused as to which one it really is using that may be causing the issue.  The path folder reflects v2.4 in my Esri.ArcGIS.Client reference properties. I have approximately 21 errors all showing the warning below in my mainpage.xaml.

Warning 1 'ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.ScaleBarUnit' is obsolete: '"Please use ScaleLineUnit in the ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit namespace."'

I'm not sure what to change, I'm VERY new to Silverlight API's. I'm actually just trying to get started and trying to open up and utilize the Frosted Tabs Template I downloaded so there is nothing special added yet, it is just the code in the template that isn't working.
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Esri Frequent Contributor
I have approximately 21 errors all showing the warning below in my mainpage.xaml.

That are only warnings about the ScaleBar control that is obsolete and should be replaced by the new ScaleLine control.

However your application should work despite these warnings (The templates have not been updated yet and are still using the old ScaleBar control).
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