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Edit tracking with ArcGIS Collector

01-11-2018 02:23 PM
New Contributor II

How Feature service edit tracking possible most efficient manner, I have a feature service with editor tracking, so there are four hidden fields has created:  Create date , Editor and Edit date.

My feature service is used in three different web map , the same record in the feature service edited multiple times by different users . I want to capture all the editor name and edited date/time, because it is business critical to know who has changed the data.  

How it’s possible to capture all the editor user name and edited time ? ##

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5 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Abdul, 

What ArcGIS software do you have access to?

The editor tracking functionality of ArcGIS Online hosted feature services returns only the attributes from the last editor.

An enterprise geodatabase (Oracle, SQL Server etc,) is required to record the history of edits mades and ArcGIS Enterprise to allow edits through a browser/mobile etc. 

Some links that might be of use:

What is a version?—Geodatabases | ArcGIS Desktop 

What is archiving?—Geodatabases | ArcGIS Desktop 

What is ArcGIS Enterprise?—ArcGIS Enterprise | ArcGIS Enterprise 

Create an enterprise geodatabase—ArcGIS Help | ArcGIS Desktop 


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New Contributor II

Hi Carmel,

I am just using ArcGIS online and collector, there are multiple map services used in a web map. My organization is a vegetation management company, we have three group of people say name as group A, group B, and Group C. There is three separate web map has configured using same map service. Group A assigned the job so need capture who and when assigned this job based on their login. I also need to capture edit tracking for Group B and Group C . My question is there any way can capture the edit tracking using ArcGIS online and collector, I can consider of using ArcRest or python script, any kind of idea is appreciated.


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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Abdul, 

I don't think there's an easy way to do it without ArcGIS Enterprise/Enterprise Geodatabase - especially if edits are made by multiple users to the same feature. 

If editing cycles are more restricted than that, you could record who's edited a feature from Group A, and write this to a new field. Then Group B do their edits, then write these attributes to another new field. And then Group C performs edits and then write this information to a new field. There could be a way to use Python to calculate these attributes/set up regular tasks but that's not my area of expertise unfortunately. 


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New Contributor II

Hi Carmel,

Thanks for reply, I have set up three different web map for my three different group using same feature service. My problem is editing cycles are not restricted, Last edited date and username are overwritten by the different groups, before its save to the new field.   

Is there any way we can record each transaction?



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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Abdul, 

I don't believe so, unless someone else on GeoNet has an alternative workflow. 


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