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CAD / dwg files for ArcGIS Earth

06-24-2016 06:48 AM
Status: Open
New Contributor III

It would be really awesome if there was a way to directly import CAD files into ArcGIS Earth. I work with civil engineers and planners who rely very heavily on Civil 3D but also require the use of aerial imagery and topographic data. My life would be a lot easier if they could easily create initial mock-ups with their CAD data inside ArcGIS Earth.

1 Comment

I agree completely.  My frustration with Google Earth is that is was an easy platform that would suck in staff that really could have been benefiting from the vast contact available in other formats.  Support for CAD data plus Esri's native formats (FGDB & Enterprise GDB) would dramatically increase the value and uptake of ArcGIS Earth.