Cannot Sign in to Portal

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01-23-2015 12:44 PM
New Contributor III

I've had Server for ArcGIS 10.2 installed and running for a while now along with a web adapter.  I have finally got the chance to install Portal.  Everything seems to go smooth with installing Portal and I connect my web adapter to it fine but when I go to my Portal site it will not let me sign in.  I can create a new account but I can not sign in.  I have tried looking at all of my settings to see if there is anything that would be preventing me from signing in but I don't see it.


I think it is something easy but I just can't seem to find out what.

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10 Replies
New Contributor III

Sorry for not responding sooner, I forgot about this issue as it was almost 2 years ago.  There was some error in the install that caused the issue.  I used a disk instead of the ISO and it fixed the problem.

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