Trace tool in Create Features randomly(?) not working - Help!

08-03-2011 12:29 AM
New Contributor II
I'm compiling a geologic map and use the trace tool to generate infill polygons. Very recently - I upgraded with the latest Service Pack for v.10 - the tool stopped working in parts (seemingly) of the map. I hit the 'trace icon', click on the last point of the newly developing polygon (located on an existing polygon), wait for it to 'register' and then hear a tone/beep and note that it refuses to trace along the pre-existing polygon's boundary. It has happened in other parts of the map, but it is consistent in one part. I can only hand 'draw' the polygon and then clip the existing polygons to 'cut-out' the new one.
Sometimes ArcMap just hangs after clicking the last polygon and I have to restart it.
I am completing a major project for a client here in the Sahara Desert (yes, it is hot at the moment) and urgently need to understand / fix the issue. Any suggestions/help would be very gratefully received!
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72 Replies
New Contributor II
Hi all,

I was the original poster for this thread and this comment is by way of an update. Unfortunately, and despite providing a file to ESRI with which they were able to reproduce the trace tool problem, it continues to happen. So they are aware of it as one commenter (katelongley) has also noted.

I might add that the workflow associated with compiling a geologic map is not one which easily allows an automated polygon infilling, such as was suggested by MBoucher21 through the use of topology tools. I am running ArcGis basic (the old ArcView) 10.1 with the latest service pack and I don't have access to all(?) of the topology tools (I am based in Australia and the local ESRI company charge up to three times the price for extensions than colleagues in the US pay - don't get me going on that - so won't be adding functionality in a hurry).

I am surprised to read the post from brannjkb  that they have 'Declined' to investigate the bug, as it is clearly a broad universal, and fundamental, functionality problem. Other than the acknowledgement of reproducibility from Chris (see earlier - this thread) with the suggestion that the next service pack might correct it, I have not heard anything and the latest service pack has not changed things. Is ESRI getting too big and beginning to display the associated user (non-)support issues??

I have tried various of the suggested solutions suggested here, but not with any persisting success. Some of the maps I compile are at a country scale and maybe that has something to do with it too. I use the file geodatabase structure for my projects.

It is just as well that I also use a competitor's GIS package. Please ESRI, address this obvious bug. I'll be checking back from time to time to see if there is any response, but I won't be holding my breath.
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New Contributor III
We have been experiencing this bug since 9.3  All 5 editor licenses users are experiencing the same bug.  If the trace tool doesn't like the geometry of an item, it won't work period.  Also, if you are viewing too large an area, it won't work.  The trace tool loads into memory everything on the screen, but will bug out if you are displaying too much info. 
Our work around that works 95% of the time is to change your Trace Options (hit O when you are using the trace tool) and check the box for it to "Trace Selected Features".  Now you only need to "pre-select everything you want to trace (don't overload it).  ESRI looks to not be very thorough in fixing bugs. 

I reported a problem with the "New 10.1 Enhanced" Reshape Topology Edge Tool.  It is supposed to work with multiple adjacent edges (It does not). It still only works with one edge at a time as in the 10.0 version.  ESRI replicated the problem, and that was over a year ago, and it still isn't fixed in 10.1 or 10.2   In my opinion ESRI Advertises tools that work when they don't.
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New Contributor
How Frustrating this issue has been (1.5 hours for me)! I found a solution that is different. I had the same dis-functional trace tool problems. I had been editing in file geodatabase and creating polys using the auto complete freehand tool against imagery. I was using the trace tool and road features to cut polygons where polys ended at road edges. Auto complete freehand is great in all but one respect, the number of vertices it creates. After reading all the comments in this thread and talking with a few colleagues, I tried one last thing and that was to convert "features to line", "densify", and finally return "features to poly". Now the trace tool works again. I suspect the number of vertices was the actual problem in my 'undensified' poly feature class. Hope this helps!
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New Contributor
We found that the problem in our case was that there were multiple layers turned on in the project that had similar lines as the line we were tracing.  I think because the lines were not exactly overlapping the software got confused.  By turning off all the layers except the one we were tracing it fixed the problem and we were able to trace.
New Contributor

I am having the random trace tool issue with ArcMap 10.0 SP5. None of the fixes discussed here seem to work; I'm just going to try it again in a few hours. Very frustrating...

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Occasional Contributor III

I found switching to “Use Classic Snapping” in Editing Options helped with this issue, and in general with editing.

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New Contributor II

"Use Classic Snapping" caused ArcMAP to crash.

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New Contributor III

OK... My first major project in 10.2 has ground to a halt by this issue. I have tried the solutions above and THEY DO NOT WORK.

Has ESRI acknowledged this in formally in any way, or is it another in the vastly long list of bugs that they pretend doesn't exist?Mind mindbogglingly frustrating...

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New Contributor

I just found this thread because I was having the same issues with the trace tool.  I believe I've found at least one of the causes of this problem.  I had placed an arc segment to use for cutting a polygon.  Immediately, I was unable to use the trace tool.  If I panned my view until the arc segment was out of sight, I could use the trace tool again.  I deleted the arc segment and again, was able to trace.  Because I had to use that arc as my cutting edge, I resorted to generalizing the arc segment with a very small maximum allowable offset value (to retain the general shape of the arc).  Trace became functional again.  Sounds like arc (curve) segments may be a key to this issue...

- Keith

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New Contributor III

Add one more frustrated user here... none of the solutions above worked:(

It is amazing how an immensely useful tool like this, that has existed for years, can keep being screwed up so bad.  I am so tired of ESRI's "it works for us" or "well, it works sometimes" excuses...   How many people would buy a car where steering wheel turns only one of the wheels, or if brakes work only half the time?

I think for the price we are all paying for the software, we deserve at least basic tools that work with some level of consistency...