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ArcGIS server feature service exclusive lock error

08-06-2014 01:16 AM
New Contributor II

Hi All,

I have a database with multiple versions. One of the version from this database is used to publish a feature service. I edited the different version and when I try to sync that with the version used to published feature service i get an error "exclusive lock". In geodatabase administration - Lock tab i can see that lock is taken by the ArcGIS server user used to publish the service.  If I stop the service then i can sync the changes. Is this expected behavior?



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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Rahul,

When you say 'sync' do you mean reconcile & post?  You should be able to reconcile & post a child with a parent version when there is a service created from the parent version.

What version of SDE and ArcGIS Server are you running?  Also, which RDBMS (i.e. SQL Server 2012, Oracle are you using?

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New Contributor II

Hi Jake,

Thank you for your response.

Yes by sync i mean reconcile and post.  Here is the configuration:

ArcGIS 10.1

ArcSDE 10.1

SQL Server 2008



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Esri Esteemed Contributor

This is strange.  An ArcGIS Server service should only place a 'shared' lock on the service, not an exclusive.  An exclusive lock will be placed on a feature class if you were altering the schema, i.e. adding a field.  You may want to contact Tech Support.

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