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Arcgis server - WFS - openlayers srs problem

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02-15-2013 10:52 PM
New Contributor III

I'm trying to display vector features over Google Maps with Open layers. As vectors are stored projected using EPSG: 3949, and Google Maps comes with unprojected EPSG: 900913, on the fly conversion is mandatory but doesn't work. Data are display in Norway instead of France.

Using GetCapabilities, I noticed that Arcgis returns

<wfs: DefaultSRS>urn: ogc: def:crs:EPSG:6.9: 3949</wfs: DefaultSRS>
<wfs:OtherSRS>urn: ogc: def:crs:EPSG:6.9: 4326</wfs: OtherSRS>

If I understand well, this means that Arcgis Server WFS is not able to deliver EPSG: 900913 ? In this case, it's useless to set openlayers.protocol.wfs srsname to EPSG:900913 ?

Am I right ? Is there a way to set Arcgis Server that it can send data converted in EPSG: 900913 ?

Thanks for any idea,

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1 Solution

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New Contributor III
Got a response from Esri France, use EPSG:3857 instead EPSG:900913 as OpenLayers srsname.

View solution in original post

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1 Reply
New Contributor III
Got a response from Esri France, use EPSG:3857 instead EPSG:900913 as OpenLayers srsname.
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