arcpy.AddToolbox working with unsecured ArcGIS online services?

10-26-2016 06:34 PM
New Contributor II

I noticed from the ESRI website that "AddToolbox also supports working with secured ArcGIS online services", and the example is as below:

import arcpy

tbx = ";World/ServiceAreas;UseSSOIdentityIfPortalOwned" arcpy.AddToolbox(tbx)

The codes work, but my arcgis server service uses self-signed certificate. Thereby, when I run the codes, it always pops up the "security alert" window. Is there anyway to let the arcpy.AddToolbox ignore or trust the self-signed certification? Thanks

PS. I use ArcGIS Server 10.4

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Python uses the OS certificate store. You'd have to import the server's self signed certificate into your certificate store.

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New Contributor II

Thanks! I have imported the server's self signed certificate into the certificate store. But it still pops up the alert window. 

I have a 3 machine cluster, each machine has installed arcgis server 10.4. I did it on the 3 machines. Still not working....

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