cannot Add ArcGIS Server through ArcCatalog with an external URL

10-25-2013 06:44 AM
New Contributor III
Hi all,

I cannot add a simple ArcGIS Server connection (option: Use GIS Services) in ArcCatalog using an username/password of a previously created user in ArcGIS Server 10.1. This new user does not have administrative privileges.

So, when using an external access to the server, is not working:

http://<external url>:6080/arcgis/services


If I use an internal IP address, works fine:

htpp://<internal IP>:6080/arcgis/services

So, where can I read from ESRI about how to solve this issue?

Some people have told about DNSs, ports and so on, but through ARCGIS SERVER manager, I cannot see any of these options.


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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Is port 6080 exposed to the internet? Can you reach server manager from the web?
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New Contributor III

No, I cannot reach the manager through internet.

However, I guess must be something related to the proxy server

'Proxy Server got bad address from remote server (verify the server is running)'. This is the message I got.

Still, I don't understand why using an external URL web (including the port :6080) and my internet browser I can access the services as a basic user (just reading privileges) - user name and password previously created in Arcgis manager - and when I try to open an ArcGIS connection through ArcCatalog, using the same URL, username and password, ArcCatalog cannot access the server. It would have thought that the other way round would be the most logical one as ArcCatalog and ArcGIS Server may understand better to each other than Mozilla or Explorer and ArcGIS Server.

Should we use Arcgis web adaptor for fixing this connectivity issue?


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Occasional Contributor III
If you have the GIS Server setup to authenticate using the "Web Tier", you need to use the Web Adaptor URL to make a connection in ArcMap.
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New Contributor III

I will check....


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