Configuring ArcGIS 10.2 Server's Auth. WITH MS Active Directory Federated Server

08-10-2013 12:10 PM
New Contributor
I found has support for MS Active Directory Federated Server ( 

It makes since to support SMAL-Claims Based Authentication for their online �??hosted services�?�. 

However, our deployment will be �??on premise�?�.  But still will require the ADFS support. 

I need help Configuring Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 against ArcGIS 10.2!

Please feel free to contact me directly: , 206.212.6511 - I am most desperate!
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1 Reply
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Kevin,

FYI: when you say "on premise", I believe you are referring to Portal for ArcGIS, a new extension to ArcGIS for Server in the 10.2 release.

I found has support for MS Active Directory Federated Server ... However, our deployment will be �??on premise�?�. But still will require the ADFS support. ...

The current release of Portal for ArcGIS does not support SAML authentication. This is being considered for a future release. FYI, an ArcGIS 10.2 Server site can be registered as a �??federated server�??, with an on-premise deployment of Portal for ArcGIS.

Hope this helps,
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