ManageMapServerCacheTiles_Server Changes from v10.0 to v10.1-10.2

08-07-2013 07:13 AM
Esteemed Contributor
To All ArcGIS Server (AGS) Users:

I have a script run against AGS v10.0 that updates cache tiles that uses the ManageMapServerCacheTiles_Server.

I tried running this script against AGS v10.1 and it crashed saying that ManageMapServerCacheTiles_Server received 11 parameters even though it only needs 7.  This is fine.

My question concerns the data_frame property that was used in v10.0 and was removed in v10.1.  What if you have a mapservice based on an mxd that has 2 dataframes.  How does ManageMapServerCacheTiles_Server know which dataframe to use if it is no longer specified as a parameter?
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2 Replies
Esteemed Contributor
Additional comments on changes from v10.0 to v10.1:

When I exported a model using the ManageMapServerCacheTiles_server method, the scales were brought in like "16000;8000;4000;2000;1000;600", but the ESRI documentation shows it as [16000,8000,4000,2000,1000,600]. This is problematic because a lot of python developers suggest creating a model in modelbuilder and then import to python so you can see correct syntax (In this case, this statement is incorrect).

When I had coordinates set for update extent (e.g. "2368446.00 120041.00 2690929.00 364399.00") and I had an Area of Interest (AOI), the script failed every time.  I finally was able to get the script to run when update extent = "". The v10.1 Help under update_extent says " It is not recommended you provide values for both update_extent and area_of_interest. If values for both parameters are provided, the value of area_of_interest will be used."  Based on my testing the not recommended part should say you cannot have both values set, as having both values set crashed my script every time.
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Occasional Contributor III
Hi Michael,

To answer your first question publishing map services at 10.0 and at 10.1 a drastically different.
At 10.0 you were able to publish and mxd directly to ArcGIS Server; however, at 10.1 this functionality is not longer available.

When you publish at 10.1 a service defition (MSD) is created in the background and processed by the server.
At this point the the MXD no longer has any relationship with the ArcGIS Server.

When you publish at map with multiple dataframes at ArcGIS 10.1, only the active data frame is published to the server.
Therefore, if you have an mxd with 2 data frames, you would have to publish them as two individual services.

I hope this helps,

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