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Enable ownership-based access control on features option is greyed out

12-07-2017 07:45 AM
New Contributor III

I'm trying to set the option for 'Enable ownership-based access control on features' on a Feature Service in ArcMap before publishing the service, however, the option is greyed out.

  • I'm using MS SQL Server Express for the geodatabase.
  • The feature is versioned.
  • Editor tracking is enable and working.

Can anyone suggest a reason why the ownership option isn't available?


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3 Replies
New Contributor II

I haven't worked with versioning of geodatabases for awhile, but I know that when something is greyed out. It's probably because of your License type. If you can try changing it in your License type in ArcGIS Administrator to Advanced.

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New Contributor III

Thanks for your reply - we only have basic and standard licences - I’m using Standard.

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New Contributor II

I was looking in the documents, you should be work this with Standard. Is the data registered as versioned? Here is the documentation for 10.5.1 regarding Geodatabases versions.

Registering data as versioned—ArcGIS Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

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