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local cache directory in multi-server AGS site

12-10-2015 08:32 AM
New Contributor III

We are implementing a new ArcGIS Server 10.2.2 infrastructure with 2 servers in one AGS site.  Several map services will use cached map tiles.  We would like each server to have a local copy of each of the caches (if we move the data to a shared location, we are forced to pay for backups which would be prohibitively expensive) but when I try to set up a cache directory through Manager, I get an error message from the other server:

Failed to register the server directory 'local'. Server machine xxxxxx returned an error. 'Unable to access the server directory 'd:\xxxxxx\cache'

The directory I'm trying to register has been created on both ArcGIS servers and I have assigned read/write permission to the directory for the ArcGIS Server account.

Is it possible to configure ArcGIS server in this way, so that each server would look in it's own D drive for the cache?

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2 Replies
New Contributor II

I had a similar issue that I battled with for a while.  I found in the ArcGIS Server documentation that you should define your cache directories on a single ArcGIS Server before joining any other servers to it.  I hadn't done this, but managed to work around it by creating a cache directory using the full path to the directory on the second server (e.g. \\server02\arcgiscache).  If i'd left it like this, the cluster would have only used the cache on the second server.  However, you can manually edit the directory config by editing the json file in your config-store.  The path is "C:\arcgisserver\config-store\serverdirs\[cachename].json".  If you open this file, you can update the path to be the local folder on all servers in your cluster (e.g. change "\\\\server02\\arcgiscache" to "D:\\arcgiscache").  After this, restart the ArcGIS Server service and the cache directory should come up correctly in Server Manager.

MVP Esteemed Contributor

Check this link to configure a local cache directory

Local cache directories on the server—Documentation (10.3 and 10.3.1) | ArcGIS for Server

Think Location
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