Map Service Quality in LAyout View

05-14-2013 04:48 AM
New Contributor II

I have some map services that our users will be using in ArcGIS desktop. The data looks really nice in the data view but when I send it to one of my map templates, it becomes very pixelated when I view the final map at 100%. I have set anti aliasing to best and that makes the data look great in data view. Is there something else I need to do to maintain the same quality in layout view?

Bruce Burwell
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4 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor
The problem is that you get image (from service). Here you can see for high quality print from service:

That's basically you can see in this link that if a layer is a service it is substituted with real data equivalent so you can have high quality
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New Contributor III
Hi Bruce

The map service quality gets really compromised in layout view. Features get pixelated when zoomed in. I have experienced the same problem myself
and I guess as of now there is no solution to this issue.
Just what you can do is zooming in to the extent you want in the data view and then entering the layout view at that extent.

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New Contributor II

I think the issue is that the dataview scales and Layout view scales are different. Is there away to syncronize the scales so they are the same?
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Esri Regular Contributor
when you try to print a map service from ArcMap at higher resolution, it requests for a larger image. Since default max image height and width is 2048, mapservice never returns image larger than 2048x2048 even when ArcMap asks for 9000x9000 image. That image gets stretched to fit the area on your layout hence you get pixelated output.

you need to increase the default maxImageHeight and width.
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