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Print Task does not display Annotation (JS API)

04-02-2015 06:54 AM
Occasional Contributor III

We are using the out of the box JavaScript PrintTask with ArcGIS Server 10.2.2 Export Web Map Task.    While the PDF is created,  the Annotation Layers are not showing up.

Our annotation is in ArcSDE and it looks like what is happening is that the 'sublayers' of the annotation for the different annotation classes may be visible in the WebMap,  but the parent annotation layer is not so the Export Web Map Task does not show this layers on the map.

We are also getting some very generic errors in the logs that I believe are related to this issue.

This sounds like a bug with the Export Web Map Task.

How do we get the Web Map sent to Export Web Map Task to show all of the annotation that is visible in the on screen map correctly?



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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor II

Did you figure this one out Mele?

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Occasional Contributor III


Sorry for the delayed response.   I did not see your post.   Hopefully you found a solution.   If not,  I believe what we ended up doing was to make sure that the Export Web Map Task had the annotation sublayers as part of its layer list as well as the parent annotation layers.   

I can take a look at this when I am back in the office on Monday if you still need some help.


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