Publish Geoprocessing NAS to Arcgis Server Error

05-08-2015 06:58 AM
New Contributor III

I am trying to publish a Geoprocessing Network Analyst Service to ArcGIS Server 10.2, and am running into this error:

ERROR 000732

Service Definition: Dataset
C:\Users\cc1\AppData\Local\ESRI\Desktop10.3\Staging\arcgis on rta-gis_6080
(publisher)\ does not exist or is not supported

I am not exactly sure how to address this error as there is not much out there on the web.

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13 Replies
New Contributor III

Bump for some help

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

The version difference between ArcGIS Desktop (10.3) and ArcGIS Server (10.2) could be creating the issue.

Think Location
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Occasional Contributor III

Do you have Network Analyst licensed on your ArcGIS Server which you are trying to publish too? I'm guessing you have the ArcMap/Catalog Network Analyst license but you will also need a separate license for the Server.

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Occasional Contributor III

Clinton, you should be able to check for the Network Analyst license by viewing the Software Authorization tab on your ArcGIS Server Manager. Let us know and hopefully we can help you trouble shoot further.

ArcGIS Server Extensions.png

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New Contributor III

It was not enabled to begin  I enabled it, and I am still getting the same error.  I am going to update to server 10.3 next.  Thanks, and I will post my results!

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Occasional Contributor III

Clinton, what steps are you taking to publish the network feature? This tutorial (publishing a network analysis service) is a good resource for the proper steps. The first time I published a network analysis service it seemed a little odd that I was publishing a map document which didn't contain any feature classes, only the new route which sources all of the feature classes that participate in the network dataset. You can publish with other feature classes in the map but really all you need is the 'Route'. The table of contents in your map document when publishing a network analysis service should look like below.


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New Contributor III

I upgraded both Desktop and Server to 10.3.1 and issue still persists, and I am following that tutorial to a T.  I created the Analyst Dataset in an SDE database, registered it with the server.  I then created the map using the tutorial.

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Occasional Contributor III

How large is the dataset and could you share it (if it's not licensed).I'd be happy to take a look and attempt to publish it myself.

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New Contributor III

Its about 31 mb compressed.

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