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Date picker not available in Edit Widget

01-31-2022 11:53 AM
MVP Notable Contributor

I am using the Edit widget (beta) in my Experience.  It appears as if there is no date picker available in the Edit widget, and am forced to type the entire date in each time (and must match format exactly).

Further testing shows that the date picker is not coming up in edit mode in the Map Viewer beta either.  However, the beta viewer lets me configure a form that will work in Field Maps with the picker just fine.

Good old reliable map viewer classic lets me use the date picker in edit mode, but that appears to be it (other than the form(s)).

Has anyone came up with a way to get the date picker to work in EB edit widget?



2 Replies
Regular Contributor

I am having this same issue one year after your post....

New Contributor III

Please upvote my idea over on ArcGIS Ideas: Add an Intuitive Date & Time Picker in the Edit fo... - Esri Community