red Exclamation - data not drawing

06-03-2010 06:48 AM
New Contributor
I created a nmf file in arcGIS explorer that I uploaded in ArcGIS online. When I open the application from another computer, I get red exclamation points. Can anybody please help me/
Thanks a lot!
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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
The red exclamation points indicate broken data paths. It's looking for data (feature classes, shapefiles, or whatever) on that computer, and can't find them, either because they aren't there or the file path has changed.

Make sure all the files associated with the document are transferred on to the other computer, and when they are, make sure the file path is the same. Or, you can re-set the paths by clicking on the red exclamation points (I think,  I know this is how it works in Arcmap, not sure about explorer.
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New Contributor
Thanks for the answer but I still don't understand. My layers are coming from my computer. Do I need to save my layers somewhere in ArcGIS online so that people, no matter what computer they use, can open the application?
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Occasional Contributor III
I don't really know how explorer or ArcGIS online works - I'm a desktop user mostly. But its likely that if the layers are being referenced from your computer, then somehow those features must be distributed to users.

Once again, I'm not familiar with the Explorer file type (whether it includes the actual data or not), but mxds (map documents for ArcMap) only contain paths to the data, not the data itself. If that's true, then there has to be a way to get your data to your customers, so they can see the information on the map. Check the help files for explorer and ArcGIS online to see if there's any mention of what you have to do when uploading.
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Esri Frequent Contributor

You are seeing browken layers (red exclamation marks) because the map is referencing data on your local machine (e.g. C:\Data\...) which ArcGIS Online does not know anything about. You will need to create Layer Packages for your data (using ArcGIS Desktop) then reference those online LayerPackages in your Explorer map and then upload that map for your users (Explorer maps remember where the data came from).

In the next release of ArcGIS Explorer (due this summer) we have been working hard on improving the sharing capabilities of Explorer and the integration with


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