Using layer file for labelling in Explorer not working.

12-03-2012 07:49 AM
New Contributor II
I followed these directions:
In order to be able to enable and display labels for features, the labels must first be enabled for the shapefile in ArcMap. Once the labels are displayed as desired, save the layer to a Layer File and then open that .lyr file in ArcGIS Explorer.
After adding the layer to Explorer I get an error message that states: Failed to Add Layer Packages: C:\......(Invalid FIie).

The file can be added back to my mxd and it appears correctly with the proper labels so I don't know why it won't work in Explorer.
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2 Replies
New Contributor II
You may be running into a compatability issue between using ArcMap 10.1 to author your layer file and ArcGIS Explorer 1750 or earlier.  I am currently having to use the Beta 2012 for this reason.
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New Contributor II
I followed these directions:
In order to be able to enable and display labels for features, the labels must first be enabled for the shapefile in ArcMap. Once the labels are displayed as desired, save the layer to a Layer File and then open that .lyr file in ArcGIS Explorer.
After adding the layer to Explorer I get an error message that states: Failed to Add Layer Packages: C:\......(Invalid FIie).

The file can be added back to my mxd and it appears correctly with the proper labels so I don't know why it won't work in Explorer.


I had the same problem (using ArcGIS 10.1, ArcGIs Explorer Desktop 1750 build), but found the simple solution.
When saving as lyr-file in ArcGIS 10.1, choose save as 9.3 Layer file (Save as type - at the bottom).
That works perfectly.
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