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Loading the map somewhere works somewhere no (ArcGIS for Autocad 400.2)

04-19-2022 05:19 AM
New Contributor II
Hello, I would like to ask about a problem retrieving the map from the service provider (AOPK).
If I load a map from one provider (ČUZK), I have no problem loading the map at home and at work.
for example this map Properties / Service location:
WKID: 5514

But when I load a map from another provider (AOPK) I load it at home, but at work it reports an error "Tile-only layers not supported"
for example
WKID: 5514
Can you advise me where the problem is, why doesn't it work for me at work?
At home I have Autocad 2020 EN
At work I have Autocad 2020 CZE
ArcGIS for AutoCAD 400.2
Michal Janda
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4 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hello Michal,

Thanks for reaching out through the ArcGIS for AutoCAD group here in the Esri Community. Also, thanks so much for using the product!

So, both provided URLs work fine in our deployments in the office here, but something we noticed just by reviewing those provided URLs is that one is HTTP while the other is HTTPS. Given the HTTP version is giving you trouble at work I suggest trying the following URL first:

This is the same URL you provided but with HTTPS:

If you are still having issues let's try to export that Map Service from the REST Service itself here:

Export Map is listed under "Supported Operations:" at the bottom of the page you provided for each service.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

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New Contributor II

Hello Dan and Prokop,

thank you for your answers.
I tried the https protocol and it doesn't work, same error 😞
I also wrote to a service provider (AOPK) and their answer was that

"The problem is probably in the network settings in the organization in which the designer works. He can first try to connect his work computer to another network, eg via mobile data.
This will detect if there is a network communication error or directly on the computer."

I will try it, and I'll let you know the result



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New Contributor II

Hello Dan and Prokop,
so I have already solved the problem with loading arcgis AOPK services with our IT department.
The problem was that in our company we have a forward and reverse firewall, including a proxy, and it prevents (prevented) the required communication. I do not know the correct English IT terminology.

An exception had to be made for the communication to flow. On the arcgis services that worked, the exception was already granted in the past (eg ČUZK), although at that time it was not due to ArcGIS maps
Thank you for your willingness.

Kind regards


Esri Contributor

Hello Michal,

we tested the service

with http and https in Autocad 2020 in both EGN/CZE with no Error. 

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