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Solution for Timeout for Power Automate ArcGIS Connector with ArcGIS Online

10-05-2023 03:18 AM
Status: Already Offered
New Contributor II

We are using Power Automate to create flows which are triggered by different Survey123 Apps. To connect a survey with a flow, we must create a connection and deposit the credentials of an AGOL user.

Every 2 weeks, this ArcGIS Connector in Power Automate is losing the login and the flow stops running. Our research showed that there might be a solution with ArcGIS API key and ArcGIS PaaS-Connector.

Unfortunately, it appears that there is only a solution for ArcGIS Enterprise and the use of ArcGIS API key to ensure the constant connection. And the ArcGIS PaaS-Connector seems not to work for feature services which we get from working with Survey123.

As we work with ArcGIS Online, we expect a solution for the AGOL environment as well. 

For our automatization, for which we use Power Automate and Survey123, it is crucial to have a continuous and steady connection. It is very time and cost consuming to check and refresh the connection for all flows every 2 weeks.


1 Comment
Status changed to: Already Offered

Hello @CScholer - thank you for submitting the idea and I am sorry you are encountering this issue.

The token timeout issue for the ArcGIS for Power Automate Connector was resolved earlier this year, so I am surprised the you are encountering the issue. Are you working in a secured Azure Government tenant? If so, which one?

A couple points regarding the other connectors you referenced:

  • There is a known limitation with the Survey123 connector where their refresh token is still timing out in two week intervals. The team have upgrade plans to address this issue in the coming year.
  • The ArcGIS Platform connector does not have capabilities to access hosted feature services. Currently it only accesses the location services that are delivered by platform.

If you are having the timeout issues, I would suggest you submit a support ticket.