Credentials Required

02-03-2012 10:20 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
So, I've created my mobile map, created my .wmpk file and uploaded it to my http://(myinstance)/ArcGIS/Mobile.   Now, when I try to log in via ArcGIS Mobile, I get the following pop up window.  It keeps asking for credentials that I know should work.  Or at least, I want them to work.  [ATTACH=CONFIG]11692[/ATTACH]

Now, for all the help articles and this and that I've went through, I've yet to see a black and white "this is how you make this work" article concerning ArcGIS Mobile.  It's VERY possible I'm not looking in the right place but after working on this for a few days, I'm still stuck.  I didn't have any luck with ESRI Assist.  The guy kept me on the phone for 2 hours and by the end of it, I was no closer.  Then I got an email directing me to the same help file that's stored inside the ArcGIS Mobile program.    That's not even the point here.  Permissions mess my life up and I know that's the problem here but I feel like I've given permission for every user and every circumstance so far.   What am I missing?   Please, for the love of all things good in this world, PLEASE don't link to this article: because I may lose my mind.

I'm running Server on a Windows 7 machine on a domain
I'm running Desktop on a Windows 7 machine on a domain
I'm running Mobile on a Windows 7 tablet PC on a domain

And if I can't figure this out, I'm running my head into a wall.

Thanks for any direction you can point me in!!
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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor
For the domain, just use a period "." For instance, If my server name was "gis1", user name "administrator", password "P@ssword123", then you would enter the following...

username: .\administrator
Password: P@ssword123

In other words, don't bother with the domain name, just use a period instead.
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