Default Data Store Connection Issues after upgrade to 11.1

08-31-2023 02:13 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hi Everyone,

I'm having an issue with my GeoEvent environment post upgrade to 11.1 from 10.9.1 in which the default enterprise data store returns the following errors upon refresh:


LOGGER : com.esri.ges.datastore.agsconnection.DefaultArcGISServerConnection

Could not read content from ArcGIS Server: {0}. com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException:

Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)): expected a valid value (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token 'null', 'true' or 'false')

The admin connections page says the following about the default enterprise connection:


I have reset GeV configuration completely, without any configuration and have configured only the default connection to enterprise and I have tried:

  • creating a new user for this connection with no content and using for data store
  • using the PSA for the data store credentials
  • administrative reset of geoevent server
  • uninstall and re-install of geoevent server
  • unregistered spatiotemporal BDS with Hosting Server
  • performed repair operation on ArcGIS Server licensed with GeoEvent

Has anyone seen anything similar to this issue before?


## Edit 2023-09-07 : I forgot to mention that this issue occurs even when all data stores validate  successfully, and imported existing geoevent services / inputs and outputs all work as expected also (I would usually only have the "Default" connection registered, but have connected individual servers to confirm they are accessible):


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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

An update to the admin page data store connections which is now logged as a bug:



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