FeatureUpdater Output / delete old features / hourly instead of minutely?

11-05-2013 10:00 PM
New Contributor III
Hi all,

I am using the GeoeventProcessor's feature updater output to add new features to a server layer. This works all fine. However, I want  to delete "old" features (older than one minute) regularly. There is an option (advanced) for setting the "Maximum Feature Age (Minutes)". I have set this to 1, but the features in my database get deleted if they are older than one hour only. Is this a bug? Or what am I doing wrong?

The database uses the database system time (CET) for the timestamp.

Hope you can help, thanks,
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1 Reply
New Contributor III
I found it out by myself. The problem was that I used the database system time as timestamp. Once I changed it to UTC it worked.

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