Browser resizing issue with jQuery Mobile samples

12-27-2012 09:07 AM
Occasional Contributor III
I found an issue with the jQuery Mobile samples when browsing from the desktop.  Is there a way to fix this?

  1. Go to this page and click the View live sample link.

  2. Wait for the map to load and zoom to your location. (Grant permission to your browser to access your location information if necessary.)

  3. Click the button in the upper right corner to open the Legend page.

  4. Resize the browser window.

  5. Click the X button in the upper left of the Legend to return to the map.

  6. Now the map looks weird. (See attachment.)

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5 Replies
Frequent Contributor
also, in chrome, panning the map moves the GPS point and holding shift while dragging a box draws the rectangle offset from the mouse cursor.
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Occasional Contributor III
The URL of the sample that I referenced in the original post has since been moved; it is now here.
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Esri Frequent Contributor
Hi Jeff,

I'm trying to reproduce this issue and can't. I'm testing using Chrome (v. 23.0.127). Can you provide additional details on the browser and version?

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Occasional Contributor III
Hi Jeff,

I'm trying to reproduce this issue and can't. I'm testing using Chrome (v. 23.0.127). Can you provide additional details on the browser and version?


It happens to me using any of the following in Windows 7 64-bit

  • Chrome Version 23.0.1271.97 m

  • Firefox 17.0.1

Applied latest updates to browsers and the issue is still there:
Firefox 18
Chrome 24.0.1312.52 m
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New Contributor III
I tried the sample from a Samsung Galaxy Nexus and saw a similar result (see attached image).  To simulate the resize I rotated the device from portrait to landscape and back.
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