BUG: Measurement widget measure-end event issue.

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07-28-2014 06:58 AM
Occasional Contributor III


II have a widget

    var measurement = new esri.dijit.Measurement({

        map: map,

        defaultAreaUnit: esri.Units.SQUARE_METERS,

        defaultLengthUnit: esri.Units.METERS

    }, dojo.byId('measurementDiv'));



    measurement.on("measure-end", function (evt) {

        console.debug("Really ended?")

        this.setTool(evt.activeTool, false);




Define as above.

However the measure-end event is fired after each node of an area measure from the third node onwards.  There follows a large error message

The task does, however keep going when area is being measured.

TypeError {stack: (...), message: "undefined is not a function"}

"TypeError: undefined is not a function at http://x/common/init.js?123:185:14 at null.<anonymous> (http://x/arcgis_js_api/library/3.10/3.10/init.js:777:175) at h.(anonymous function).g [as onMeasureEnd] (http://x/arcgis_js_api/library/3.10/3.10/init.js:239:390) at s._showArea (http://x/arcgis_js_api/library/3.10/3.10/js/esri/dijit/Measurement.js:35:330) at s._outputArea (http://x/arcgis_js_api/library/3.10/3.10/js/esri/dijit/Measurement.js:35:181) at null.<anonymous> (http://x/arcgis_js_api/library/3.10/3.10/init.js:173:473) at h.(anonymous function).g [as onAreasAndLengthsComplete] (http://x/arcgis_js_api/library/3.10/3.10/init.js:239:390) at e._successHandler (http://x/arcgis_js_api/library/3.10/3.10/init.js:490:174) at e._areasAndLengthsHandler (http://x/arcgis_js_api/library/3.10/3.10/init.js:916:267) at http://x/arcgis_js_api/library/3.10/3.10/init.js:174:23"

Strange?  Or my fault?



Using the older  dojo.connect

    dojo.connect(measurement, "onMeasureEnd", function (activeTool, geometry) {

        this.setTool(activeTool, false);



And the event fires, as before on the third click, for area, but doesn't have the error, and re-enables my ID task.

It looks like the new widget is firing the OnMeasureEnd event each time a result for the area is required - the old tool only got the result on double click - ending the drawing.

the code worked fine in 3.8 & 3.9

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17 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

Anyone any ideas on this?  As it is it is a breaking change preventing me from moving to 3.10.

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New Contributor III

I'm not sure I would call this a bug, it's more like a needed enhancement. Anyway, here is some code that will provide a work around for your issue:

//Variable to keep track of whether the measurement has ended

var end = false;

//If the map is double clicked, and the polygon measure tool is currently selected, set end to true

map.on("dbl-click", function() {

     if(dom.byId("dijit_form_ToggleButton_0").getAttribute("aria-pressed") == "true") {

            end = true;



//If end is true, execute your functions

measure.on("measure-end", function() {

     if (end == true) {

          <your functions>

          end = false;



There may be (and probably is) a more elegant way to do this but this fixed the problem you described.

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Occasional Contributor III

Thanks for that - I'll try it later.  But I do think it is a bug, or a t least a "Breaking Change" as the examples given measurement-amd | API Reference | ArcGIS API for JavaScript no longer work as the event no longer does what it says it does.

On-measure-end is quite clear in what it should do, an event that fires when measurement is ended.  It doesn't.  It fires when a polygon has been created and an intermediate measurement  has been calculated.

This only fails for area.  For length a result is returned with each click without firing the on-measure-end event.

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Esri Frequent Contributor


This one looks like a bug to me. Do you have support? If so can you submit an issue to them for this so we can get it logged into the system as a bug.



0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor III

Yep - got it with Esri(UK) at the moment, but not much movement.

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Occasional Contributor III

logged as a bug

Esri Inc Bug: NIM#104292

I'll update here if I hear anything else, but as it is a bug it has now left the control of our local Esri.

Occasional Contributor III

This bug has been fixed in 3.11 - I've just tested it and the measure-end event only triggers when the area tool is double clicked rather than at each node.

There's also a few new events.  Enjoy

New Contributor

This is kind of an older post but I was running into similar issues and wanted to share my workaround...

The documentation still says that this will work but I was still getting error messages

measurement.on("measure-end", function(evt){
this.setTool(evt.activeTool, false);

I changed my code to evt.toolName and was able to get around the error message coming up:

measureW.on("measure-end", function(evt)


                   measureW.setTool(evt.toolName, false);             


If you need to be more specific you can modify the code to something like

if(evt.toolName == "location")

Hope this saves someone a little debugging time out there.