Configure Custom Info Window

07-16-2012 05:25 AM
Occasional Contributor III
I'm fairly new to the JavaScript API and am trying to create a test map using the Custom Info Window code example that is found here:

I'd like to switch out the example tree layers for a County Parks service that I created, but am having trouble configuring it correctly. I assume that my trouble is with the InfoWindow module itself.

Any help would be great.

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5 Replies
Frequent Contributor
What have you tried? Do you have the sample using the Tree service running locally? Please post code showing what you're trying to do.
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Occasional Contributor III
Attached is what I'm running locally. My goal is to have an info window popup when I click on a parks feature that shows the Parks name and a link to the County website.
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Frequent Contributor
Attached is what I'm running locally. My goal is to have an info window popup when I click on a parks feature that shows the Parks name and a link to the County website.

Thanks. Have you tried incorporating the code from the sample you referenced in your first post? Give it a shot and post back here if/when you run into specific errors/issues.
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Occasional Contributor III
Yes I have, like I said I'm new so I'm 100% confident the issue is on my end. I guess my real trouble is very basic issues I'm sure: where to insert the code and how to edit the info window to reference my parks data.

Do I need to save the js file and css file locally to edit what is referenced in the code?
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Occasional Contributor
Steps to work custom info window for the Trees Map service locally
1.Paste the myModules folder in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot folder
2.Add the package similar to the below code.

var djConfig = {
            parseOnLoad: false,
            packages: [{
                "name": "myModules",
                "location": "http://localhost/(if folderexists/)myModules"


3.That's it.It will work enjoy..
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