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Popup for Basemaps?

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04-18-2024 08:00 AM
New Contributor III

Is there a way to use popups on the basemaps? Specifically the World Imagery layer. I have a request to include satellite imagery source dates in the popups, but I can't seem to find a straight forward way of setting up popups for the basemaps.



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1 Solution

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Occasional Contributor II

An easier option would be to add to your map as a feature layer, by default it appears fully transparent with popups enabled.

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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor II

There is no way to display a pop up for a Tile Layer.  What you could do is have a click event on your map view, then query the World Image service using that point (  Since there can be different imagery at the same location at different zoom levels you’d need to include a where statement to check if your current zoom level is between the MinZoomLevel and MaxZoomLevel.  The response will return a SRC_DATE2 field, which is the source date.  Then display a popup at the click location for the returned polygon.

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Occasional Contributor II

An easier option would be to add to your map as a feature layer, by default it appears fully transparent with popups enabled.

New Contributor III

Thank you! Sorry for the late response but I didn't get notified that I had any responses to this! I ended up utilizing the world imagery feature layer as you suggest.

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