PrintTask unable to complete because of field not part of schema

10-04-2013 01:37 AM
New Contributor
'm using the ArcGIS Javascript API 3.6 with ArcGIS Server 10.2 and want to export the map with client-side graphics.

When no graphics are present, the printtask works fine.

But as soon as i have created graphics, by creating a QueryTask which return geometries, then querying a different webserver for statistics, which are then added as attributes to the graphics, then a classbreakrenderer is added based on the min/max values for the statistics.

The following error is returned:

{"error":{"code":400,"message":"Unable to complete operation.","details":["Error executing tool.: Layer \"map_graphics\": Field 'AantalKlachten' not part of schema for this feature collection.\nFailed to execute (Export Web Map).\nFailed to execute (Export Web Map Task)."]}}

Already added field 'AantalKlachten' to the features (which was not there before).

The POST JSON data is

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1 Reply
New Contributor
Did you ever resolve this issue?  I'm having the same problem.  Steve
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