Time Slider Widget doesn't work properly when using mouse cursor

08-13-2019 06:38 PM
New Contributor II

I'm using TimeSlider widget and I've found a minor defect.

TimeSlider | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.12 

Time in my widget shows like YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SI. It should go by 10-minute interval like from 2019/07/03 00:10:00 to 2019/07/03 00:20:00 when you click on the play button, the next and previous button and use mouse cursor, but when using  mouse cursor, it goes by like from 2019/07/03 0:10:00 to 0:09:59.

A summary of this issue is below.

1.The issue is not reproducible when you click on the play button of the Time Slider widget.

2.The issue is not reproducible when clicking on the next and previous button of the Time Slider widget.
3.The issue is reproducible when you manually move the time slider by using mouse cursor only at certain points for. e.g: between 2019/07/03 12:10:00 - 2019/07/03 12:20:00. In addition, this happens when your browser is maximized.

I know the esri/widgets/TimeSlider class is currently on a beta release state, but I'd like to notify this issue and I hope it will be fixed. I've attached a video showing the issue. I would appreciate it if you could take a look at it.

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi there, 

I am not able to reproduce the issue. Can you please create a simple reproducible case? You can use this test app modify the code as needed.

Thank you,


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New Contributor II

Hello Undral,

Thank you for your reply.

I've checked out the code and realized that script version has something to do with this issue.

Please take a look at "how to reproduce the issue " below.

*how to reproduce the issue 

If you modify the code like below, you'll see the issue.

The issue is not reproducible.

<script src="https://jsdev.arcgis.com/4.13/"></script>

The issue is reproducible.

<script src="https://jsdev.arcgis.com/4.12/"></script>

I hope you don't looking into it.

Thank you,
