When is onLoad event triggered using esri.arcgis.utils.createMap?

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11-20-2012 10:52 AM
Occasional Contributor III
Many of the JavaScript API Samples show a map created and the "resize" event trapped as follows:

map = new esri.Map("mapDiv", {      extent: new esri.geometry.Extent(17198,6008256, 506394, 6497452, new esri.SpatialReference({wkid: 102100 })) });  dojo.connect(map, 'onLoad', function(theMap) {     dojo.connect(dijit.byId('map'), 'resize', map,map.resize); });

How would you do same if you were using esri.arcgis.utils.createMap() with a map id instead? That is, as far as I can tell, by the time I actually have the map object to pass to the dojo.connect, its onLoad event has already happened automatically (unlike above, where I can add the event listener and then add the layers to the map).

Am I understanding this correctly? And, if so, what would be the appropriate event to listen for to do this when doing a createMap vs. new esri.Map?

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1 Solution

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Esri Frequent Contributor
You can check to see if the map's been loaded if it has just add the resize code. If it hasn't then hook up the event:

    if (map.loaded) {           this.initUI();         } else {           dojo.connect(map, "onLoad", function () {             this.initUI();           });      }

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2 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor
You can check to see if the map's been loaded if it has just add the resize code. If it hasn't then hook up the event:

    if (map.loaded) {           this.initUI();         } else {           dojo.connect(map, "onLoad", function () {             this.initUI();           });      }
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Occasional Contributor III
That's exactly what I needed to do.

Thank you, Kelly!

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