Which Layer to use and when

09-03-2013 10:53 PM
New Contributor III
HI All,

  I am seeing lot of post in this forum and gis.stackexchange where there is lot of issue with Feature Layer , when is it best time to use Feature Layer is there an alternative to it.I have Feature Layer with 220 polygons with lot of details vertex , my browser is hanging when i load it in IE .is there an issue with IE8 for ArcGis.

  will Tiled service solve my issue , can i do all client side interaction with Tiled layer.
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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Determining limits for map graphics

Feature layer best practices

Working with a feature layer in 'selection only' mode and displaying same data as an ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer
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New Contributor III
I check in the How much data for map blog, I have about 220 polygons which have highly detailed   Vertexes.when i used the application and tried to draw ploygon for 2000 polygons it worked .But problem i cannot compare vertex of my map with one in the example, My shape file is about 7mb is this too much.

I also made use of maxallowableoffset , performs improved but my browser still hangs.Can you please suggest some more ideas where i dont have to load feature layers intially and then load the features of map on user click.
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